Your Guide to a Spectacular Destination Wedding
Having a destination wedding can be attractive for a number of reasons. You get to get married in an amazing place, surrounded by the people who matter most. Because of course, only the people who really matter will attend! You’re already on your honeymoon then too. This guide will help you to have a spectacular destination wedding:
Take a Trip
You might have a good idea of where you want your destination wedding to be, but you shouldn’t commit to anything without first taking a trip there. It just wouldn’t make sense! It’ll cost you a little more but think of it as a productive holiday. You may even be able to sort some wedding-related things out on your visit if you decide it’s the right place for you. There are plenty of luxury hotels in Bali that would be perfect for hosting your nuptials.
Look Up Local Marriage Requirements
Always look up the local marriage requirements of the place you want to marry to make sure they’re in line with your core values. You want to make sure you can have the kind of wedding you’ve envisioned. Weddings vary from place to place, so make sure you’re happy with the way they do it. Make sure you’re happy to do what is asked of you. You might even need to travel to the area a few weeks before you wed, depending on the place you’ve chosen.
Get Help from a Wedding Planner
When you want a destination wedding, getting help from a talented planner is a must. After all, they’ll be able to get in touch with important people in the area, sort out vendors, and get your dream wedding rolling. It’s much less stressful too.
Dress the Part
Having a heavy dress might not be the best idea if you’re getting married somewhere really hot. A nice light, the floaty dress would be a better choice. Be smart!
Accept Island Time
Things are much more relaxed when you have a destination wedding. They aren’t late, they’re just on island time. Accept it and relax. You’ll have a much nicer day.
Send Out Save the Date Cards ASAP
As soon as you know where your wedding will be, send out save the date cards. This should give people plenty of time to prepare and let you know if they can make it or not.
Research Things for Guests to Do
As your guests are going to be traveling far and wide, research things for them to do. You can create a list of things in the area, such as water parks, tours, and things like that. You might even be able to negotiate some wedding party discounts for them. Really look after your guests. After all, they’ve come a long way to share your special day.
You’ll have the best destination wedding if you relax and just go with the flow. This type of wedding is perfect for the laid-back couple who want to have an incredible day with the people closest to them. Enjoy!