Everything You Have To Know About The Fantastic Diamond Cuts

Everything You Have To Know About The Fantastic Diamond Cuts

Everything You Have To Know About The Fantastic Diamond Cuts

The cut and the shape of a diamond are two words used interchangeably but have different meanings. These precious gems come in various forms such as the oval, triangular, round rectangular, and many more. The way professional gem-cutters cut the diamond piece will determine its beauty and the price of the stone. And that will depend on a cutter’s skill. Diamond jewelry specialists and graders use a diamond cut calculator to reach the ideal cost of a diamond.

Diamond-Cut; it is how excellent a diamond is polished and cut in a proportioned manner. That may include depth and symmetry. A well-cut stone will be luminous and reflects the colored light to your eyes. In contrast, a poorly cut diamond will not stay radiant or sparkle.

All the cut names you usually hear, such as round brilliant, arrows, ideal cut, etc., have to do with the stone’s surface, the sparkle, and the flat planes. The two significant proportions that contribute to the brilliance and fire of a diamond include;

  • The width from the girdle as a percentage of the whole diamond.
  • The stone’s depth is the percentage of the width.

The report on the depth of a diamond;

  • Excellent 60-62%
  • Good 62-64%
  • Fair 64-66%
  • Ideal 58-60%
  • Poor Greater than 66%

Round-shape; it gives a perfect proportion, and that’s why they are the most common choice for many people. The round diamonds have a “round brilliant” cut and have 58 facets. However, the smaller diamond carats come with fewer flaws and lack the brilliance that the “round brilliants” amount has.

The “ideal cuts” are also brilliant round diamonds proportionally cut to refract light. This feature attracts high pricing, which some people may not be able to raise. However, you can go for what is closer-looking to your “ideal diamond.”

A certificate will impress you.

While reading a jewelry appraisal document can be enticing, it is the physical appearance that should impress you. It is the most crucial detail than all other specifics, such as proportion. Check if it’s refracting the light brilliantly, which can be a good sign.

Radiant-cut diamonds; these are closer to emerald-cut diamonds, although they sparkle more because of their brilliance. Today, most people go for this modern/classic shape, especially those with short fingers, as it appears to lengthen the finger. Whether your partner loves the elongated or square-shaped, she will stand out with that dazzling gem. And that’s why they make the right choice for proposing to your partner.

Although a bit pricey, they can be a better bargain compared to the round-shapes. The seller will use a diamond cut calculator to come to the ideal price of the stone.

Also, note that it’s hard to find flaws even in a low clarity grade due to a radiant-cut diamond’s intense brilliance. Those with eye-clean include SI1 and S12 quality-grades, which will be ideal for those with a tight budget and still want some little sparkle.

Watch out for bowtie.

A bowtie is a dark band appearing across the center of a diamond. It can show on any cut of the diamond, including radiant, for poorly-cut stones. While you are scrutinizing a stone, ensure to check this region. If it is too large, it will impact the rock’s brilliance, and you should avoid getting such.

Cut grading will come from the stone’s proportion and finishing assessment. As per GIA systems, diamond grading is either excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor-quality. While compromising other Cs of a diamond, such as color, clarity, and carat, you never do so for the cut. Someone may ask, why and is it the one that contributes to the high diamond price.

To calculate your jewelry’s carat diamond, you will need to weigh the gem, and you will get the weight, which you should record in grams. Then divide the grams by 0.2, and you will get what the carat weighs. The higher the carat weight you will have, the higher your diamond price you will pay per carat.

Diamond cut pricing

If you would like a brilliant diamond with a perfect cut, you need to prepare to pat with a substantial amount. Grades will affect a diamond price. For example, an Excellent cut will cost you 15 percent more than a Very Good (VG) grading, and the cycle goes on for the Good (G) grade. Work on your budget by using a diamond cut calculator to help you reach your ideal price.

Below are the used diamond scale;

Excellent /ideal cut; these are quite rare and make up the top 3 % of the diamond.

Very Good; they represent 15% of the cut diamond’s quality.

Good cut; they will reflect the light entering the stone and represent the top 25 % of the diamond cut.

Poor/Fair cut; these are the type of diamonds that appear dull and represent the top 35 % of the diamond cut.

NB: GIA will only grade the round cut diamonds.


The proportion is where the brilliance and the fire of a diamond come in and describe thoroughly.


The Polish defines the facet’s quality and finish.


If there is any difference in proportions and alignment of the facet, the stone’s light interaction will occur.

In Conclusion, you can make the most of your ideal diamond budget by ensuring you get the best cut and a minimum clarity grade. When you use the diamond cut calculator, you will get an affordable deal.

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