-The tradition of a bride wearing “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue,” comes from an Old English rhyme. Something Blue in ancient times is the symbol of faithfulness, purity and loyalty. Often a blue item is the garter and in olden times the couple wore blue bands on the border of their wedding attire to denote, love, modesty and fidelity. Another way to wear something blue is to include a blue flower in your headdress or theme your wedding flowers in blue.
Something Borrowed is to represent to the bride that friends and family will be there for her on the special day and in the future when help is needed. “Borrowing” is especially important, since it has to come from a happily married woman, thereby lending the bride some of her own marital happiness to carry into the new marriage.
Something New represents good luck and success and the brides hopes for a bright future in her new married life.
-If your bridesmaids are less than thrilled about matching dresses, tell them they’re good luck! The tradition of matching maids dates back to Roman times, when people believed evil spirits would attend the wedding in attempt to curse the bride and groom (how rude). Bridesmaids were required to dress exactly like the bride in order to confuse the spirits and bring luck to the marriage.
-June weddings are not a new thing. The Roman goddess Juno rules over marriage and childbirth, hence the popularity of June weddings.
-On a similar note, brides traditionally wear veils because ancient Greeks and Romans believed they protected her from evil spirits.
Some boring things about Wedding Planning and seat plans for a relax Wedding
– You mind have sleepless nights to prepare all details for your wedding.
– You should not have any romantic time with your new husband because your wedding photographer all always with you.
-Planning a Wedding is a hard work, not likes the movies ! You have to make disscussion and appointments with catering service, church, pastry shop, wedding dress boutique, Hair and make-up stylist and many more. Don’t forget your wedding dance, you have to a dance-studio.
But don’t panic yet. You can still find the perfect seats for even your most difficult wedding guests with these expert tips.
-Divide your family and friends into groups, and start sticking groupings onto your floor plan,” says Saltzman. “When you run into couples who don’t know anyone or controversial groupings, look to seat those guests with more outgoing guests or people they have things in common with so they feel comfortable.
-Your divorced aunt and uncle.
Seat them across the room from each other to diffuse any tension.
-Your friend who drinks too much.
Seat them as far away from the bar as possible so they don’t get out of hand!