The focus area of the exhibition includes watches, clocks, jewellery, authorial jewellery, fashion jewellery, minerals, packaging materials, investment gold, investment diamonds, etc.:
– after a one year pause, we are pleased to welcome again the members of the Union of Czech and Moravian Production Cooperatives – new products will be presented by the cooperative KARAT, the social cooperative PODANÉ RUCE and the watches and art production co-operative ZNAK Malá Skála;
– information about the exhibition will for the first time appear in the magazines Sklár a keramik (Glass Blower And Pottery Maker), Creative ŠPERK (Creative JEWEL), Creative AMOS and KORALKI.CZ;
– the new partner of the exhibition – The Goldsmiths´ Centre Prague – has been preparing presentations for the visitors to the exhibition such as „Investment Gold and Its Role in Today´s World“ and „Diamonds in the Jewellery Branch and as Investment“;
– in cooperation with the specialized shop Bechyne Watches, we have been preparing a presentation of „Legendary Watches“ with various watches, which are indelibly imprinted in the history of watch making; on show will be many models of watches, which have become legendary over time – some thanks to revolutionary technologies, others thanks to the participation on daring discovery expeditions or thanks to cult films or through popular persons wearing them – the visitors will have the chance to see the watches, learn about their histories and try to tell fakes from real watches (presented will be e.g. a watch which measured time during a flight to the moon, a watch which measured time during the first flight across the Atlantic Ocean, the first diving watch or the watch worn by Steve McQueen in the film LeMans, etc.);
– all exhibitors and expert visitors will, just like in the past, have the opportunity to attend one performance of their choice on the Krizík´s Fountain for free – the program is available at;
– at this year´s event, our traditional exhibitor, the Goldsmith’s Centre for Practical Education SOLUNKA, will again organize fashion shows together with presentations of products made by their students; they will also present various techniques of goldsmithery (a presentation of working with silver by hand);
– during the whole duration of the exhibition, a watchmaker offering waterproof watch pressure tests and battery measurements for free while you wait will be present at the stand of the company OLYMPIA, spol. s r.o.; (however, if replacing the battery will be needed, the service and the battery itself will be normally charged);
– the Czech Assay Office will determine the contents of precious metals in jewellery brought by the visitors using both traditional and most up to date methods such as the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) technique, this service will be offered at their stand while you wait for free during the whole duration of the exhibition; they will also inform about all changes related to the Hallmarking Act as well as provide information about all changes related to the membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union; furthermore, they will provide information to the issue of recognition of foreign hallmarks and provide information on how customers can protect themselves when buying jewellery;
– the visitors can this year again listen to a lecture elaborated by Mr. Vladimír Kondratenko from ARETE DIAMOND – UMARUTTI S.R.O., who is a holder of the diplomas GIA Diamonds Graduate and HRD Certified Diamond Grader and a recognized international expert on diamond evaluation and a diamond trader with international certificates GIA and HRD Antwerp; another diamond trader´s expert comments with the title „Evaluation and Sale of Diamonds – What You Do Not Find in Handbooks and in the Media“ will be presented by Ing. Ladislav Klaboch (translator of the second revised and supplemented Czech edition of the book DIAMONDS – A Handbook on Diamond Evaluation); Note: the presentation
assumes that the audience has basic knowledge on diamond evaluation;
– visitors are also wholeheartedly invited on a journey back in time: they can visit the “Royal Photo Corner”, where they can take a selfie with a replica of the crown jewels;
For more information please contact :
Ing. Hana Lukešová
INCHEBA Praha spol. s r. o.
Tel.: +420 220 103 474
Mobil: +420 606 752 818
Fax: +420 220 103 777